Paralysis Ayurvedic medicine

Medicine Type – Tablets And Powder

Medicine Colour  - Green Colour

Medicine Odour  -

Tablets – No Odour

Oil – Bitter Odour

Duration Of Medicine – 3months

Relief From – 15-20 Days

How To Use:

Take Two Tablets For Morning And Take  Two Tablets For Evening

Effective Body Parts Either Leg Or Hand, Massage With Oil Daily Morning And Evening

Tablets And Oil Use Continuously For 3 Months

Take Honey More In Food

If Possible Take Honey With Lime Juice And Zinger(Honey+Zinger+Lime Juice)

What Are The Food We Must Not Eat:

All Types Of Root vegetables Like Potato, Carrot, Beatroot Etc..

What Are The Food We Must Eat:

Cow Ghee

Asafoetida(Inguvaa) Use More In Food
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